Speaking of Last Year, and the Future…

At the outset of 2018, I’ve seen the current Executive branch, and the EPA and Interior Departments (to name just 2) working mightily against many aspects of sustainability. Against the health of our biosphere.
Perhaps some of you are happy about that in the name of jobs, or some other intention?
Since January 2013, this blog has had as its main purpose elucidating the facets of environmental sustainability in straightforward fashion.
Nearly unbearable to me is the gall of many of our public servants whose actions are aggravating open wounds to our ecosystems. And, the bald-faced lies and repetitive deceit by many who act as though they are knowledgeable, informed and…trustworthy.
Something that isn’t a lie are the effects of sea-level rise in Miami Beach, for one, which I blogged about a little over a year ago: “Miami Beach. Avoiding Another Lost Atlantis.” Or, the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.
What made Superstorm Sandy isn’t a lie. Scientific research forecasted it–the effect of warming oceans on coastal storms. This extreme weather event has been costing $Bs to remedy. Houston? 3x. Where next? How big? How costly to society?
In the last couple of weeks I’ve previewed a small bunch of environmental documentaries, such as “Chasing Ice,” in preparation for a eco-film series of 5 that will run at my church through much of the very important Christian church season called Ephiphany. Starts Saturday.
What I’ve seen depicted in the films is so challenging to our shared biosphere. Thankfully, solutions are proposed or shown in their making in many of the films.
In Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” I was fascinated to see on film the work he and others did to interest India’s prime minister in signing on to the Paris Climate Accord. Helping developing nations’ leaders solve for their very real challenges that would impact global warming was reassuring.
I urge you to consider addressing that nagging itch for a healthier planet. Join the groundswell here in the U.S. that’s helping to overcome or nullify climate change obfuscation, particularly at the Federal level. If you aren’t already.
What does Gore says at the end of “An Inconvenient Sequel”? He’s not confused.
He knows about the masters behind the screen who work hard and spend a lot of money as merchants of doubt through political campaigns, untrustworthy think tanks, cable TV and other means–and profit at an increasingly obscene cost to civilization.
From “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”
Well,… Pay attention. But don’t be fooled! There’s vital work in need of doing.