Harness the Wind – Green Power! P.S.

(more on Green Power…)
I’ve taken to analyzing my BGE bill since early this year, comparing it to each billing period last year. (Yeah, I’m lots of fun at a dinner party.)
So, in the current bill I notice a line item in the BGE Electric Delivery Service: “EmPower MD Chg…kWh x .0030200. I wrote about the EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act of 2008 in my original post on the subject.
Should have realized the consumer would be paying BGE to reduce the GHGs we cause when heating/cooling our homes with non-renewable energy. For any of you Clean Currents subscribers, are you charged the EmPower MD Chg monthly? Tell me through the Contact page on the website.
One reason I decided to track our BGE bills year-over-year is that we replaced our original, 25-year-old metal-clad windows last fall with vinyl-clad. I can certify that our heating/AC bills are lower. And, we were eligible for a $200 Federal tax rebate on our 2012 return. Okay, not so much as government energy-saving rebates used to be, but it’ll take care of our tickets to the Christmas Revels!
In Sundry Department (off topic) – “A Contact Sport for Wounded Veterans”
A number of us are U.S. military veterans. How heartening can it be when: “Wounded Veterans at Walter Reed Give Wheelchair Lacrosse a Try.”