Bak 2 Harry

(full title: Bak 2 Harry Homeowner-DIY)
If you’re old enough and have lived in this region for awhile, this post title might bring to mind the Hechinger hardware store chain, amply represented in the Forest Plaza store then, and occupied by Home Depot now. You’ll recall that the Depot, along with Lowe’s, drove Hechinger out of business.
John Hechinger, Sr., was a client of mine when in the art consulting business some years ago. He had a marvelous collection of tools and related at the corporate HQ in Landover. A sculpture I commissioned for the front entrance of his HQ, and the artist allowed me to name “Tool de Force,” now sets in the National Building Museum west yard.
The other day I happened upon a website that I don’t seek out these days and found something that might be of interest to you as DIY (do it yourself) homeowners or renters. See it here…12 household toxins you should banish from your home.
A neighbor of mine was DIY busy several weekends ago sealing their asphalt driveway. I shuddered a bit, but he had a filter mask over his nose and mouth as he toiled.

Occasionally when I’m in our front yard, a pickup truck guy will stop to ask me if I want our asphalt driveway sealed. I politely decline while thinking to myself, “where’s the money to get rid of this thing that’s polluting the South River after each downpour, and its beautiful, non-heat-retaining concrete aggregate paver replacement?”
Well, I realize the bad-news driveway we’re keeping for another piece of time is largely due to our financial investment (along with yours) in a highly efficient and healthy new building to be built at St. Margaret’s. Yeah, the right trade-off!

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In Sundry Department
Swimming: We just got an email alert about the water quality for swimming off our beach. Included were a couple of websites I didn’t know the existence of and finding interesting and useful—the (linked) South River Federation‘s guide to its waterways’ bacteria count, and the Swim Guide for beaches in the Annapolis area with toolbar link to its mobile app. Have a safe and good swim!
Starlings: And, thinking of water and nature, the 2-minute video at this link is pretty wonderful (and I like their seasoned wood ‘n canvas canoe too)- murmuration of starlings.