A Flat-Out Awesome Climate Program & Info

Yale University’s Climate Change Opinion Maps are really helpful to organizations, businesses, government and just plain folks. These maps span a hefty number of surveys or polling on various aspects and consequences of global warming, including behavior.
This work is conducted by a team of psychologists, geographers, political scientists, statisticians, pollsters and communication scientists as per the program’s website.
Here are some info graphics to whet your appetite-

Go here to explore for yourselves the myriad of offerings. Is your worldview reflected in anything you see?
Do you take exception to global warming opinions shared by your neighbors, community organizations or local political leaders? Click here to learn about “Global Warming’s Six Americas”.
Are your energy and water bills higher than your neighbors because you haven’t installed LEDs and low-flow plumbing fixtures in your home? Don’t know? According to Yale’s program, more than half of those interested in global warming seldom/never talk about it with family/friends. Think your neighbors are among these? (:-)
P.S. If you believe preserving/restoring the climate worldwide takes on aspects of faith, here‘s a place to visit. Here‘s another.
P.P.S. The other side of the Memorial Day long weekend I’m thinking to relax the once weekly postings. Never done this since the beginning–2013. Readership is usually less during the summer.